Hip Flexion
Hip flexion occurs each time your knee comes towards your chest while walking, lunging, or riding a bicycle. Paying special attention to hone and strengthen this integral movement can have a tremendous impact performance and injury prevention.
Incorporating a resistance band is a safe way to add an ascending resistance to your natural body movement as the angle between the femur and your torso decreases while firing the hip.
Set up in a position similar to the mountain climber exercise, but do not set your front foot down on the ground while it is flexed.
At the peak of the flexed position, hold the pose for a prolonged period of time to allow for more contractile waves to pass through the muscle.
We recommend performing 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps with hold times ranging from 3-5 seconds.
Think of pulling the knee to the chest as a way to help encourage 90 degrees or more of hip flexion.
Keep the shoulders engaged but relaxed throughout your set.
Inspect the training bands each time before use to make sure they are not damaged.
Target Muscels: Psoas Major, Iliacus, Tensor fasciae latae, Sartorius, Rectus femoris, Gluteus medius, Gluteus minimus
Recommended Bands: Heavy Resistance Band (minimal assistance), Robust Resistance Band (medium resistance), Power Resistance Band (maximum assistance)
Force: Pull
Position: Supine