I love dips as much as anyone but also attest that dips can get monotonous if not spiced up.  So why not throw some spice in your dip and make your arms and chest burn a little more?

This is a burnout technique meant to increase the amount of dips you can do in each set. If you can do a set of 5–15 unassisted dips, give yourself a pat on the back and then go grab a band.  

This quick video will show you how to perform dip burnouts until muscle fatigue by adding incremental elastic assistance. 

We advocate using at least two bands.  The bands offer various assistance tiers; for example, you can do the first set with a heavy black band, the second set with a robust purple band, and finally the third consecutive set with both the heavy and robust band.

Dippity do-da dippity day my o’ my what a rubber band day.