So time is out, you don't have a Halloween costume, and you don't want to buy one. Why do you put your bands to use as a costume and get a stretch while you do it.
That's right, The Aligner has got you covered.
All you need is two of your Rubberbanditz bands and a thick shirt.
First, insert your right leg into one band up to your groin, wrap the same band around your stomach, then around your back, and then insert your right arm.
Second, stabilize the band around your right shoulder. You should feel resistance pulling your right shoulder back.
Stabilize another identical sized band around your left leg, then wrap it in front of you, behind you, and insert your left arm.
Remember, keep your abs tight and maintain good posture as the bands draw your shoulders back and open your chest.
Now all you need is a name. How about THE ALIGNER? Maybe the Rubberband(itz) Man?